It’s a new year, and many of us have resolved to get fit, or lose weight in 2017. Most people will fail, simply because they think of getting fit as work. Seriously, after a long day at work or school, then fighting winter weather to get home, who wants to go to a gym and be tortured? You need to find a fun way to lose weight while getting fit. Something you can do with friends or family. You need to start roller skating at Skate World Pasadena! That’s right, the fun activity you did as a child or teen is a great cardio workout, and it’s still fun.
We all plan on keeping our New Year resolutions, right? This will be the year you get fit, save money, or spend more time with your family. You start out with the best of intentions, then after a few weeks you are back to your old ways. You meant to change, but you went about it the same way as last year. This year, shake everything up and rediscover roller skating. Make it a regular family outing, you’ll be less likely to cancel if the kids are counting on it.
Roller skating is the perfect low impact exercise, it will give your muscles a major workout, improve your core, strengthen your legs, help you get rid of stress, all while burning 600 calories an hour! Better than a gym, all ages are welcome. Skate World in Pasadena is the perfect place for after school parties, active corporate outings, or private get togethers with friends. What could be better for your church’s youth group than a skate party? Who doesn’t have fun at a roller skating rink?
Which would you rather do, spend a lot of money to go to a gym, alone, or spend time with the kids having fun?
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